
General terms
FELI PERFUMES is the commercial name of SC PERFUMES DU FELI SRL, a legal entity with headquarters in PIPERA, str Bl Pipera, no. 198C, Ilfov County, registered at the Trade Registry under number no. J23/4783/13.10.2020, having CUI RO43182046.

This website was created in order to provide, free of charge, to all those interested in the brands and products of SC PERFUMES DU FELI SRL, information about them as well as to offer the possibility of placing orders online. The site is operated and administered by SC PERFUMES DU FELI SRL.

Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully for the best use of the website www.feliperfumes.ro. The use of this site implies the tacit acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of use presented below, which represent the agreement (contract) between the parties.

As an administrator, we reserve the right to change and update its content at any time, as well as the Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions of Use, without prior notice. Thus, please visit this section periodically to check the Terms and Conditions that you have agreed to abide by.

The entire content of the website www.feliperfumes.ro - is the property of SC PERFUMES DU FELI SRL and its suppliers and is protected by the copyright protection law. The use without the consent of the company SC FELI PERFUMES SRL of any elements from this site is punishable according to the laws in force.

Definitions and Conditions
SITE – online store hosted at www.feliperfumes.ro

CONTRACT - represents the remote contract concluded between the Seller and the Buyer, without the simultaneous physical presence of the Seller and the Buyer.


BUYER – any person who places an order on the website www.feliperfumes.ro

ACCOUNT – the section of the Site consisting of an e-mail address and a password that allows the Buyer to submit the Order and that contains information about the Buyer. The user is responsible and will ensure that all the information entered when creating the Account is correct, complete and up-to-date.

SHOPPING BASKET – section of the Account that allows the Buyer to add the Products he wishes to purchase at the time of addition or at a later time;

PRODUCT - any item displayed on the website to be delivered to the Buyer if the Product is in stock. In the Site, the Products are grouped by category and can be displayed in detail up to the level of the Product Page, which displays the individual characteristics of the selected Product. Availability and restrictions applicable to Products ordered from the Site will be displayed individually for each Product.

PRETURI – Toate preturile din acest SITE sunt exprimate in LEI si includ TVA. Aceste preturi nu contin si cheltuielile de expediere, ce vor fi percepute separat, in plus fata de pretul produselor cumparate.

COMANDA ONLINE – reprezinta intentia Cumparatorului de a achizitiona Produse de pe Site transmisa Vanzatorului, prin intermediul Site-ului.

Cumparatorul poate efectua Comenzi pe Site, prin adaugarea Produselor dorite in cosul de cumparaturi, urmand a finaliza Comanda. Produsul adaugat in cos este disponibil pentru achizitie in masura in care exista stoc disponibil pentru aceasta. Adaugarea unui Produs in cosul de cumparaturi, in lipsa finalizarii Comenzii, nu atrage dupa sine inregistrarea unei comenzi, implicit nici rezervarea automata a Produsului.

Prin finalizarea Comenzii Cumparatorul consimte ca toate datele furnizate de acesta, necesare procesului de cumparare, sunt corecte, complete si adevarate la data plasarii Comenzii.


Vanzatorul poate anula Comanda efectuata de catre Cumparator la cererea acestuia dar inainte de procesarea ei
Vanzatorul poate anula Comanda efectuata de catre Cumparator daca datele furnizate de catre Cumparator, pe Site sunt incomplete si/sau incorecte
Vanzatorul isi rezerva dreptul de a anula o comanda daca Cumparatorul dovedeste un istoric si un comportament neadecvat.

In conformitate cu articolul 9 (1) din Ordonanta de Urgenta nr. 34/2014 privind drepturile consumatorilor in cadrul contractelor incheiate cu profesionistii, Cumparatorul are la dispozitie un termen de 14 (paisprezece) zile de la data la care Cumparatorul sau o parte terta, alta decat transportatorul, indicata de Cumparator, intra in posesia fizica a produselor, pentru a-si exercita dreptul legal de retragere, fara a fi obligat sa-si motiveze decizia si fara fara a suporta alte costuri decât cele de livrare.

Produsul poate fi returnat numai daca este in conditii perfecte, inclusiv ambalajul, adica sa nu prezinte sub nici o forma semne de uzura sau consum, sa fie nedesfacut, respectiv sigilat.

In cazul in care Cumparatorul solicita retragerea din Contract in cadrul termenului legal de retragere din contract, trebuie sa returneze si eventualele cadouri care au insotit produsul respectiv. In cazul in care Comanda este achitata, Vanzatorul va rambursa suma in maxim 14 (paisprezece) zile de la data informarii Vanzatorului de catre Cumparator asupra deciziei sale de retragere din Contract. In cazul unui retur costul transportului va fi in sarcina Cumparatorului.

Suma va fi returnata prin virament bancar in contul pe care Cumparatorul este dispus sa il comunice Vanzatorului.

Vanzatorul va putea amana rambursarea sumei pana la primirea Produselor vandute sau pana la primirea unei dovezi conform careia acestea au fost expediate.

In cazul in care un Produs comandat de catre Cumparator, nu poate fi livrat de catre Vanzator, acesta din urma va informa Cumparatorul asupra acestui fapt si va returna in contul Cumparatorului contravaloarea Produsului, in termen de maxim 7 (sapte) zile de la data la care Vanzatorul a luat la cunostinta acest fapt sau de la data la care Cumparatorul si-a exprimat in mod expres intentia de reziliere a Contractului.


In conformitate cu articolul 16 din Ordonanta de Urgenta nr. 34/2014 privind drepturile consumatorilor in cadrul contractelor incheiate cu profesionistii, dreptul de retragere nu poate fi exercitat pentru Comenzile care se refera la:

furnizarea de bunuri care au fost desigilate dupa livrare, care nu mai pot fi returnate din motive de igiena sau protectie a sanatatii;

Ne puteti anunta decizia de retragere la adresa de email info@feliperfumes.rosau la numarul de telefon: 0741.060.003


Toate comenzile plasate online pe www.feliperfumes.ro vor fi confirmate telefonic la numarul de telefon indicat in comanda.

Comenzile efectuate pana in ora 12 sunt procesate in aceeasi zi
Comenzile efectuate dupa ora 12 sunt procesate in a doua zi lucratoare
Comenzile efectuate in zilele nelucratoare vor fi procesate in prima zi lucratoare
Produsele sunt, de regula, livrate in termen de 1-2 lucratoare daca nu exista vreo situatie din partea curieratului rapid sau a Cumparatorului

Livrarea se face prin serviciul de curierat si este gratuita peste valoarea comenzii de 400 lei. Livrarea se face numai pe teritoriul Romaniei, in maxim 3 zile lucratoare de la confirmarea comenzii, la adresa specificata de Cumparator.


Plata Ramburs, numerar la livrarea coletului. Comanda se achita reprezentantului firmei de curierat rapid la livrarea coletului.

Plata prin card bancar prin Netopia Payments.

Vanzatorul poate cesiona si/sau subcontracta o terta parte pentru servicii ce tin de onorarea comenzii, cu informarea Cumparatorului, nefiind necesar acordul acestuia. Vanzatorul va fi intotdeauna responsabil fata de Cumparator pentru toate obligatiile contractuale.

Toate produsele comercializate de catre site-ul www.feliperfumes.ro beneficiaza de conditii de garantie conforme legislatiei in vigoare si politicilor comerciale ale producatorilor. Produsele sunt noi, in ambalajele originale si provin din surse autorizate de  producator .

Ownership of the Goods and Services will be transferred at the time of payment by the Buyer to the location indicated in the order (understood by delivery - the signature of receipt of the transport document provided by the courier or the signature of receipt on the tax invoice in the case of deliveries made by the Seller's staff) . In the case of delivery by courier, he is not authorized by the Seller to allow the Buyer to open the parcels before signing the delivery, but only after the signing of the delivery and the payment of their possible counter value.

The Seller cannot be responsible for damages of any kind that the Buyer or any third party may suffer as a result of the Seller's performance of any of its obligations under the Order and for damages resulting from the use of the Goods and Services after delivery and in particular for product loss. The seller will be responsible if his sub-contractors and/or partners of any kind involved in the execution of the Order do not fulfill any of the contractual obligations.

SC PERFUMES DU FELI SRL., does not assume responsibility and cannot be held responsible for any damages caused by the use of products purchased through this site, for purposes other than those mentioned by the manufacturer.

The parties to the contract will be considered independent contractors and none of the parties is granted the right or authority to assume or create any obligation on account or to the detriment of the other.

By using, viewing or buying the products on this site, the user has taken cognizance of the fact that the Romanian laws will govern the above Terms and Conditions.

In case of any conflicts between SCPERFUMES DU FELI SRL and its clients, an amicable solution will be tried first.

If an amicable solution is not possible, the conflict will be resolved in the competent court in accordance with the Romanian laws in force.

If any of the above clauses is found to be null or invalid, regardless of the cause, this will not affect the validity of the other clauses. Once the order is placed, the customer accepts without objection the Terms and Conditions of use, their value being the same as a valid contract.

By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, the customer fully assumes the rights and obligations arising from the purchase from the virtual store www.feliperfumes.ro.


Commercial data:
REG. COM. :J23/4783/13.10.2020
CUI RO43182046
+40741 060 003

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